Medical Acupuncture
Western medical acupuncture is principally used by conventional healthcare practitioners, most commonly in primary care. It is mainly used to treat musculoskeletal pain, including myofascial trigger point pain. It is also effective for postoperative pain and nausea.
Western medical acupuncture is based upon the scientific method and has research papers to back up its efficacy. Needles are used to stimulate the bodies own natural healing response. This stimulates blood flow and delivery of substances that heal tissues and calm the nervous system down.
Acupuncture Is Used For:
- Soft tissue and joint pain
- Headaches
- Persistent or chronic pain
- Tissue healing following muscle strain or ligament sprain
- Tendinitis and tendinopathy
- Arthritic pain
- Anxiety and Depression
We are increasingly finding that people are struggling to switch off from the saturated and busy lives we lead. Acupuncture can help form part of package of treatment to access the bodies regulatory process to help us to step down from our heightened state.
Enhancing recovery and working with injuries
Our coaches work closely with our therapists and rehab professionals, trained to spot imbalances and potential injury. Your coach will be in constant communication with our therapists to work on your imbalances and weaknesses caused by injury.
Meet Our Experts
motivating factors
- Effectively alleviates various types of pain, including chronic and acute conditions.
- Promotes relaxation and may help in reducing stress and anxiety.
- Some individuals report better sleep quality after acupuncture sessions.
- Can contribute to improved mood and a sense of well-being.
- May help in managing inflammatory conditions.
- Promotes muscle relaxation, aiding in tension relief.
Schedule Your FREE Consultation
Our bodies are interconnected with internal systems and at Pinnacle, we believe these need to be treated as one to get to optimal health. We tailor our plans and pricing, working holistically with your fitness, mobility, and wellness needs. To talk about your needs, schedule your free consultation today.
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