Asyra Health Screening
The Asyra Health Screen is a bio-energetic system that provides you with information about the energetic origins of your internal challenges, read by our Health Consultant.
The system carries out response tests on the meridian points connected to the major organ systems which is called the baseline, and a comprehensive assessment from a database of tens of thousands of items to see what will help restore balance.
The system picks up energetic responses in which our Health Consultant will advise how to move forward with the results.
- Energetic Status of 40 major organs
- Nutritional Assessment
- Metabolic Disturbance
- Dental Profile
- Hormonal Profile
- Toxicity
- Phenolic Sensitivity
- Emotional Stressors
- Trace Minerals
All About You
After your complimentary consultation, you will also receive an osteopathic assessment. We offer a free Osteopathic Assessment for your trainer understand your physical ability and challenges to put the best plan together for you.
Enhancing recovery and working with injuries
Our coaches work closely with our therapists and rehab professionals, trained to spot imbalances and potential injury. Your coach will be in constant communication with our therapists to work on your imbalances and weaknesses caused by injury.
Meet Our Experts
motivating factors
- Provides a comprehensive view of health by assessing various factors.
- Testing is typically non-invasive, using electrodes for measurement.
- Offers personalized advice on diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes.
- May aid in early identification of imbalances or potential health issues.
- Focuses on restoring the body's energy balance for overall well-being.
Schedule Your FREE Consultation
Our bodies are interconnected with internal systems and at Pinnacle, we believe these need to be treated as one to get to optimal health. We tailor our plans and pricing, working holistically with your fitness, mobility, and wellness needs. To talk about your needs, schedule your free consultation today.
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